Levin has plans for the young man, but death isn’t among them…as of yet. The sounds of dripping water and clanking steam pipes are calming to Nikko. It reminds him of his home inside the abandoned factory; A place where he felt safe and centered. A toxic smoke bomb immobilizes the guards as Dr. Nguyen releases Nikko from his cell. Nikko remembers his savior from his childhood. He was a good and ethical man. One of the Scientists who shared Dr. Kim’s concerns about the way he was treated. He has lived with the guilt of Dr. Kim’s death for these many years as well as what fate had befallen Nikko. Now he has a chance to redeem himself and do what he should have had the courage to do many years ago. The doctor takes Nikko to a hidden room deep underground. This chamber houses a very special device, one that Levin has exploited for nefarious means. A Time Corridor capable of sending people back in time. But not just anyone. Only those genetically engineered to survive the powerful forces of the wormhole: someone like Nikko. Levin used the Time Corridor to send clones back in time to set up his corporation. What he didn’t at first realize is that every trip caused ripples in time that eventually led to the destruction of the world itself. Once Levin had what he wanted the project was abandoned but the damage had already been done. But there is still the possibility of putting everything right. There is a way to fix the past and heal the future. A top-secret experiment that took place in 1943 has to be stopped and Nikko is the only hope for that. He gives Nikko the information of a contact in the past that will help him. Accepting his destiny, Nikko steps into the heart of the machine. PHILADELPHIA, PA - October 1943. But just as Dr. Nguyen is about to activate the machine, Levin’s men burst into the lab and spray the area with gunfire. One of the bullets tears into Nikko’s abdomen while others riddle the doctor’s body. With his last breath, Dr. Nguyen activates the machine…

